“Sister” Wives

This is what immediately comes to mind, doesn't it?

This is what immediately comes to mind, doesn’t it?

No!  That is not what I meant.  Not exactly anyway.  But, be honest now wives out there, haven’t you ever wished you could clone yourself (perhaps several times over) to get it all done?

You know, Michael Keaton’s character did it when he was left a “stay-at-home” dad in Multiplicity.multiplicity

Well, multigenerational family living is like having that clone living in the other part of your house.  Nice, especially when you get along as well as my daughter and I do.  One of us plans meals, one makes the shopping list, one takes care of the kids, the other does the shopping.  We often share cooking tasks to get the meal on the table for both families.  We share cleaning supplies and equipment.  Since we share a laundry room, we share the tasks of sorting, washing, drying and folding the laundry. Etcetera, etcetera…

It is such a blessing.  After three months of sharing space (each family has private areas), this living arrangement only improves.  We are still sorting out the limits of needing private family time and have been erring on the side of giving one another more space than is needed as we inch toward a comfortable medium.  We live in an area where it is common for parents and adult couples to live together in one large house so we do not stand out as breaking some mold.  It is a great way to live for many of us.