
OMG…this word was actually just added to the Oxford Dictionary…Hangry.

Hangry (adjective): bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger.

Believe me…I have been introduced to this word (phenemeon) for months now.  The 11 year old hits the starvation wall, needing immediate fuel for energy, and marches into the kitchen irately demanding food.  There is no patience.  There is no self control.  Her one word pronouncement…”I am Hangry.” All this time…I thought is was an Aspenism.  Little did I know that it was a new word worthy of adding to the prestigious Oxford Dictionary.

As a granma, I have grown accustomed to getting dinner on the table relatively quickly when everyone arrives home from their various activities.  I have learned better ways of “holding” prepared meals so that they retain their moisture and flavor.  However, the stress of immediate provision is enough to drive one crazy.   It is out of fear and trepidation that I have learned to deal with Hangry.  I ask to be texted prior to arrivals so that dinner can be “on the table”!

As an aside…the 11 year old gets her impatience for immediate gratification at mealtime honestly…her parents have definitely been an influence.  I am sometimes amazed by the feeding frenzy at the evening meal!

Learning that “Hangry” was added to the dictionary aroused my curiosity.  What further additions might there be?  As I perused the list and a handful of others caught my attention, several definitely worthy of inclusion.

bants (noun): playfully teasing or mocking remarks exchanged with another person or group; banter

butt dial (verb): inadvertently call (someone) on a mobile phone in one’s rear trouser pocket

brain fart (noun): a temporary mental lapse or failure to reason correctly  (it should be added, typical of aging)

My personal favorite….

wine o’clock (noun): an appropriate time of day for starting to drink wine

So…to Oxford Dictionary adders, whomever you may be, I’ll definitely drink to your additions, after all it’s wine o’clock.

There is one more provocative fact.  In my own personal experience I have found that wine o’clock nearly always coincides with expressions of Hangry!  Cheers.