2021 Week 15 Menu Plan

The 2021 week 15 menu plan is complete with a goal of reclaiming my glass storage dishes from the freezer. I have an abundance of “dinners for two” stashed away and have decided to make them the headliners for this week’s evening meals.


Aside from the pineapple upside down oatmeal, the offerings for breakfast this week are all S meals. Lately I have been either skipping breakfast or eating much later than the ‘Ole Buckeye. I created a breakfast menu more with him in mind, then me. I do have interest in trying more smoothies and drinks. Hopefully they will offer an alternative to breakfast or become brunch later in the morning, thus eradicating the need for lunch.

Keto Peanut Smoothie

Savory Breakfast Cookies

Keto Biscuits and Gravy

Keto Chocolate Frappuccino


Most of the lunches planned for the week are E meals, aside from a new recipe for taco pie. The bean soup is a repeat and the chicken and rice will be an experiment in the instant pot. I have several frozen portions of the Cajun quinoa (not a favorite of the ‘Ole Buckeye), but I am having it on a day that he has lunch plans with the guys in the neighborhood.

Keto Crustless Taco Pie

Spicy Bean Soup

Instant Pot Chicken and Rice


The dinners for the 2021 week 15 menu plan are found in the freezer. I have so many eat again dinners tucked away for future use that I am out of freezer containers and the freezer is full. Actually it will be a treat for me…no afternoon cooking, simply remembering to thaw and figure out sides. 


There were no misses this week, and all of the hits were repeats from the past.

Savory Breakfast Cookies

Taco Salad Crunch

Roasted Sausage and Peppers


As I continue the journey of learning more and more about healthy eating, I must admit that the experts offer very different opinions on the optimal nutritional diet. I will continue the quest of seeking what will work the best for the two of us and relay what I learn along the way. Life is an adventure, as is healthy eating. Bon Appetit.

One thought on “2021 Week 15 Menu Plan”

  1. Pat Brown says:

    I think you really hit on something important here. There is flexibility and adaptability for any diet, and to think you should only eat what x or y expert says may not suit you. It’s a combination of recommendations and – n my opinion – foods that make you happy!

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