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2022 Week 14 Menu Plan
The 2022 week 14 menu plan is complete. Life took us away from home much of week 13. Due to that fact many of the meals planned during week 13 have moved to 2022 week 14. Those new recipes can be found here. The only links to recipes this week will be those not included last week.

I am really anxious to try the turkey sausage breakfast casserole planned for last week. I have included the frittata once again simply because we enjoy it so much and it definitely is a great reheat.
I have new lunches planned and it will be interesting to see if the ‘Ole Buckeye enjoys them. I think he will really like the gyro bowl but I am not so certain of the chicken salad. The other lunches are tried and true as well as relatively easy.
See week 13. This week is quite busy. Sail racing on Wednesday evening has returned through the end of September and the guys always have dinner together after the race. I am subbing at Bunco…and that is another dinner out. All of the other meals aside from the chicken a la king (added to utilize a pound of mushrooms) are carryovers from last week.
Hit and Misses
This is a quick, easy and satisfying soup. I did not use the canned cream soup and doubled the broth. I stir in Greek yogurt and the ‘Ole Buckeye adds sour cream.

This Green Chef entree we have not had in the past and it was outstanding…definitely worth an attempt to duplicate.

Green Chef Creamy Shrimp Primavera
This is a tried and true Green Chef Keto offering.

Green Chef Creamy Italian Soup
Life happens and with it came changes to plans that were made. That being said it certainly made the menu planning for 2022 week 14 much easier. During the upcoming weeks my goal will be to embrace low carb meals that are both healthy and contain less fat. I hope to cut out some of those oh so satisfying cheeses, etc. that taste great but offer more calories. The journey to healthy eating continues, but with more weight reduction as a goal. Bon Appetit!