Week 16, 2019 with Trim Healthy Mama

We have returned after a long road trip, the refrigerator is barren and I must plan a menu for week 16. I have tons of unpacking and laundry and very little interest in planning, let alone cooking. In fact the only reason that I am taking the time to plan for week 16 is to insure that I have a productive trip to the supermarket. I am so short on ingredients that if I do not plan carefully I will spend time on multiple grocery runs, not something I want to do.

The ‘Ole Buckeye has completed a trip to Costco. I am fortunate that wild caught salmon was available. Immediately I had a plan for our first meal at home without additional shopping. I am putting it off as long as possible!


Aside from need to restock Greek yogurt, I have all of the breakfast ingredients I need on hand.

Peanut Butter Cup Milkshake 

Bust a Myth Cake page 298 Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook

Sausage Non-Crescent Casserole I have modified this casserole by using unsweetened almond milk and eliminating the crescent rolls. It has become a family favorite.


After a quick inventory, I have created the entire lunch menu for week 16 with ingredients on hand as well.

Wipe Your Mouth BBQ (page 43 Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook)

Dill Pickle Pasta-less Salad


The dinner plans are quite simple as well. The ‘Ole Buckeye has requested the Greek shrimp for Father’s Day. The salmon is on hand from Costco, the turkey meatballs are already made and in the freezer and my daughter has offered to make gourmet burgers and a salad. Voila’!

Ultimate Salmon Filets

Tasty Turkey Meatballs

Greek Shrimp with Tomatoes and Feta


I would be remiss if I didn’t recap several recipes we enjoyed before our trip. In fact the Wipe Your Mouth BBQ was not only a huge success, but it traveled with us on the road providing several meals and feed us yet again once we arrived back home. A great slow cooker recipe on page 42/43 in the Trim Healthy Mama cookbook.

Single Serve Strawberry Crumble THM S The only reason that I gave this recipe a whirl is because I had a container of strawberries, some spoiled and the rest on the verge. You know, the kind you can’t eat on their own but hate to toss. I topped this with Greek yogurt and totally enjoyed. If I make it again I will use half of the sweetener. This was very sweet and I went light on the sweetener on the first pass. I will say this could easily be a dessert or snack. I used it for breakfast.

So that’s the plan. I will get more organized and excited about cooking once I get back on top of my routine. At this point I feel fortunate to get a manageable plan with as little shopping as possible. It’s funny that after eating out for nearly 2 weeks and often struggling to stay on plan, I don’t seem to be particularly anxious to jump back into the kitchen. 

I am having difficulty as well taking the time to post, but I have promised myself to be more disciplined not only with my planning, but also in the implementation. So here it is, the menu plan for week 16…better late than never. I have not cut corners, but have planned for easing back into my reality. Healthy eating continues as I follow the THM plan. Bon Appetit.

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