Thanksgiving x2

Thanksgiving dinner is wonderful. Turkey and all the trimmings, pumpkin pie, the works.

But not twice in the same day.

I’ve been “fortunate” I suppose that my family and my inlaws live far enough apart (i.e. multiple states) that having to do the two-dinners-in-one-day drill was not an issue for me. However, our kids are facing this challenge, and in the interest of peace, harmony and keeping them coming back to visit us, I’ve decided to put a completely different spin on Thanksgiving.

I’m sure you’re shocked.

So for lunch this year I’m riffing on traditional Thanksgiving flavors but turning them all on their ear a bit, in a sort of tapas/appetizer style. People can eat as much or as little as they like, leaving room for dinner, and not repeating the flavors, at least not exactly.

Here’s the current plan. Thai pumpkin soup. Bacon wrapped stuffing balls. Sriracha green bean fries. Cranberry frosted brie. Sweet potato casserole bites. And the turkey? Well, let’s just say it won’t be left out.

All the recipes are new – but like I told the kids when they were growing up, if you don’t like it we have peanut butter and jelly or frozen pizza. Once Thursday is behind us, I’ll post up the recipe “winners” and let you know how it went.

So have a wonderful Thanksgiving, enjoy your family and friends, and don’t be afraid to put your own spin on the holiday!