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2020 Week 30 Menu Plan
The 2020 week 30 menu plan was complete until I got a last minute message from the ‘Ole Buckeye. Early Tuesday he did a Costco run and wild caught salmon was available. The last minute adjustments to the week’s menu was made.
The 2020 week 30 breakfast plan is filled with THM E meals and has only one new offering. The peach cobbler breakfast bake sounds quite enticing and I am hoping to use nectarines in place of the peaches since I have them available.

Bam Cake THM Cookbook page 298
I have decided to be a little more creative this week for lunches. Actually I have 3 new recipes planned. However if this week goes as they often do, we will have dinner leftovers or an abundance of lunch leftovers taking the place of the new plan.

Zesty Salsa Chicken and Black Bean Casserole
The dinner plans for 2020 week 30 are old standbys. I do plan to create a new recipe for meatballs. Even though I have several favorite meatball recipes, I am anxious to try something new. Last week in one of the Green Chef meals we had a cream cheese mushroom side that was outstanding. I would love to incorporate the same flavors into a mushroom meatball meal. Hopefully it will be successful because this mushroom preparation was one of the best I have ever had. Costco had wild salmon! I plan a new preparation as well as a tried and true later in the week.

Million Dollar Spaghetti Squash Casserole
Hits and Misses
Why would anyone discaerd sour dough starter when you can have biscuits like this? My mother would be proud…waste not, want not. In fact these make me “want more”!

I decided not to post my first sourdough bread recipe until I knew it could be successful, since the first try was disappointing. Well I have now made 2 additional loaves…excellent.

I have made this taco pie in the past, forgetting how yummy it is. It is also extremely easily made and reheats well.

If you are ever afraid of purchasing wild salmon at Costco thinking the leftovers will go to waste, fret no more. This salmon dip is worth every single bit of the leftovers. Bonus…it freezes well.

I haven’t made this casserole since last year. I need to keep better records of meals we enjoy especially with seasonal vegetables. Yet another cook once/eat twice with both meals completely enjoyable.

Sweet Italian Sausage Casserole
Please, please, please try this spectacular desert. It has fabulous presentation unsurpassed only by it’s deliciousness!

Well, this pasta dish caught my eye when watching the Food Network on a Saturday morning a few weeks ago. Often I cook on Saturday mornings and listen to all of the shows while I am busy. The ingredients featured are right down our alley, so I immediately got online and saved the recipe. All I can say is that the ‘Ole Buckeye put this right behind Rachael Ray’s carbonara as an all time pasta favorite. This pasta is definably for an adult palate and needs your attention from beginning to end, but well worth the trouble.

Spaghetti with Lemon and Zucchini
Food for Thought
Wild caught salmon is the only way I will purchase salmon and when it is available at Costco we always bring it home. Often it is in a larger quantity than we can prepare for one meal, but we like it so much that we will have it twice in the same week. I also have a fantastic recipe for a salmon spread/dip which can also be successfully frozen.
I did learn several things about farm raised vs. wild salmon recently. Farm raised salmon has almost twice the calories because of how it is feed. It is also higher in saturated fat. In recent years there have been significant changes in how salmon is farmed, so if you purchase it check the label for origin. A huge supplier for farm raised salmon is Chili. Chili’s salmon farmers are some of the biggest users of antibiotics in the livestock industry. Norway, however, has made huge strides in salmon farming. So if you are looking for the healthiest choice of farm raised salmon, make certain it comes from Norway.
Sometimes I have to laugh as I try to finish this blog, because at the last minute so many things change. Not only did today’s Costco run provide salmon for the week, but I also discovered that I did not have the seasoning I normally use for my baked version. Rather than make a grocery run I decided to try a new salmon recipe. I googled ultimate salmon and voila…added it to the menu plan. What can I say. A continuing lesson…be flexible. The week ahead holds more great eating possibilities including more experiments with sourdough. Bon Appetit’.