
copper mugThe Moscow Mule was to be the “drink of the day” for Friday’s arrival.  My only reservation when choosing this drink was that it is to be served in a frosty copper mug, something I didn’t have.

As the “OL Buckeye began the preparations for the drink, I apologized  to all that we did not have the drinkware of choice…a copper mug.

Pat proudly opened her cabinet door and Voila, housed on the tip top shelf were copper mugs, our mom’s copper mugs.  These were some of the many things that Pat selected as keepsakes when we divided up the estate.  A special moment really.  Mom has ways of showing each of us her presence.  In an instant we all felt her enjoying this moment and the rest of the weekend with us.

I don’t know of anyone in my circle of friends that would have had copper mugs.  Interesting that the drink chosen for the beginning of the celebration called for mom’s provision.