Kicking Myself into Gear

Okay, this title has a double meaning here.  I am trying to get myself back into the blogging mode by doing it daily for awhile.  I am a creature of habit and I need to re-establish the habit of writing to y’all.  I frequently think of things I need to say to you but haven’t made the time to talk to you.  So, I am kicking myself into blog gear.

And, I need to get myself back into making regular time for my art.  Since I am working on a painting of a motorcycle, it is even more literally kicking myself into gear(s).

I first did a painting of a motorcycle inspired by the motorcycle of my sister Pat’s friend, Jerry.


It was shiny.  Lots of chrome.  Interesting to figure out colors to bring out that shine.

Jerry seems to have liked the painting.

This summer, when trying to think of inspiration for a subject that was not the run-of-the-mill landscape, portrait or still life (not that there is anything wrong with those…I just wanted to get out of my comfort zone again)…I decided to try to paint his second bike.

Pat was kind enough to take some pictures for my reference.  This bike has shiny chrome but is matte black.  Matte sounds easy doesn’t it.  But just try painting something matte black in two dimensions…you will totally lose the depth and shape of the object and just get a blob.  So I am tackling the project….slowly. This time it is a mixture of colored pencil and watercolor.

Nothing is done. The lower right is barely started. Eeek.


Pat is coming for a visit in less than three weeks.  I need to kick it into gear!