Hits and Misses Week #11

A week ago Monday night brought us home after a very good visit to Chicagoland.  I will leave that trip for another day.  I will say that the trip empasized friendship and the importance of maintaining just that.

Tuesday was filled with reorganizing, unpacking and grocery shopping in heavy rain.  It also brought the introduction of a new recipe from “It Looks Good Enough to Try”.   I decided to try the orange chicken meatballs because I already had all of the ingredients on hand as well as an interest in “chicken” meatballs.  They were good, but extremely spicy, as in HOT..  “These are “hot” the ‘Ole Buckeye exclaimed as he scooped up some rice and drank an entire glass of water.  Maybe he got a puddle of sauce full of red pepper flakes at the start, but regardless he was very timid about eating more.  I enjoy hot Chinese food, but I will admit there were some mouthfuls that were over the top.

After further review….I am so bad.  Instead of 1 1/2 teaspoons of red pepper flakes, I added 1 1/2 tablespoons of red pepper flakes.  No wonder the ‘Ole Buckeye’s eyes were watering.  We both agreed that even with the over the top heat of my version, the flavor was excellent.  The next time…and there will be a next time, I will add the correct amount of red pepper flakes!  So, the recipe as written….A Hit.


Tuesday also introduced me to a much reduced weekend airfare to New York.  You know, the email alert from United with a great fare as long as you travel on certain flights Friday or Saturday and return on Monday or Tuesday.  My mind was on high alert.  It was National Bridal Marker in NYC Saturday through Monday, and my sister had just relocated to New Jersey within sight of Manhattan.  Do I dare ask the “Ole Buckeye if I can leave town yet again?  After a few emails and texts I was up for the question.  “Do you mind if I go to New York for the weekend?”  Shock and Awe, with a slow “If you want”.  I had already arranged a day with my sister and to bunk with a friend, plus, the grand girls’ other Grandma was in for a week’s visit.    I was armed and prepared to present a defense for the trip, however none was needed.  Trip Booked.

All of that being said, week 11’s meal plan would stretch.  I mean really stretch.  It would stretch all the way into the next 2 weeks!

After a night of leftovers on Wednesday, I decided that it was imperative that I cook the next few nights before heading out of town.  In fact, I needed to cook enough to supply meals for the ‘Ole Buckeye while I was away, meals he would enjoy and were easily reheated.  With that in mind I adjusted the meal prep for the end of the week.

Thursday night I prepared a family favorite, Roasted Sausage, Potatoes, Onions, and Peppers.  Since I planned a family favorite for both Thursday and Friday evening dinners  I decided to make a dessert from “It Looks Good Enough to Try”.  I always attempt to make at least something new during the week.  I decided to make a lemon pound cake from scratch.

Lemon Pound Cake


The Sausage and Peppers….delish as usual and there was plenty left over for the “Ole Buckeye and his weekend dinners.

The lemon pound cake, another story.  First let me say that I have a tried and true lemon bundt cake recipe, quick, easy and delicious.  This new recipe provided a cake that was moist and dense, but lacking in the intense lemon flavor that we love.  In addition it was a complete fail to remove from the bundt pan.(which I generously greased.)






In the future I will use the tried and true recipe.  I don’t need to spend the extra time and aggravation on a cake from scratch.  A Miss.





Friday Night, once again, we feasted on another family favorite.  I made a crock pot beef chuck roast and served it with mashed cauliflower and fresh green beans (the way my mom used to make).   This is a total comfort food meal.  The perfect way to end the week especially considering that I would be away for the next 3 days.  A big plus, the ‘Ole Buckeye was fortified with plenty of leftovers.

By the way, my trip to NYC was great…details to come.

This past week after my return, continued to be a “leftover” week.  Tuesday evening we enjoyed the chuck roast dinner once again.  Wednesday night was a repeat of the Orange Chicken meatballs with less sauce and more controlled heat.

Thursday evening was family night, and all of us enjoyed grilled brats, baked beans, and a broccoli pasta salad that had rave reviews.



Pasta Salad

Friday we enjoyed a quick and easy repeat of Thursday’s dinner after a long day of assisting our son with getting his home ready to “show” to potential buyers.  Later in the evening the 6th grader arrived after her Junior High dance and polished off all the rest of the leftovers.  and there were still a lot of leftovers!

Saturday we spent the early part of the day at the NATO festivities in Norfolk with the 4th grader and enjoyed a late lunch “out” with her.  After a late afternoon “Happy Hour” with the family, we arrived home relaxed and not particularly hungry.  We simply raided the frig and grazed.  Nothing formal.

Sunday, after a trip to the East Beach Art Show and Bake Sale, and a rosemary parmesan bread in toe, I decided to make Zoodlerosa.



The first time I prepared this dish I took it to a pot luck as a side.  Obviously I had some, but not much, because it disappeared in a heartbeat.


This time it became the entire meal, accompanied by the flavorful bread, perfect for mopping up the sauce.  This veggie meal is fantastic.  We totally enjoyed it.  It was satisfying and filling.  Again a HIT.

Week #11 is complete…even though elongated.  Now it is time to plan for Week #12.