2024 Week 19 Menu Plan

The 2024 week 19 menu plan is complete. I did not compile a menu plan for week 18 due to our trip to Miami to watch the Miami Formula 1 Grand Prix. I did however make 2 egg casseroles for the trip to provide breakfasts in the villa. I froze individual portions for the trip and froze the remaining for the upcoming week.


Lemon Berry Crisp

Tex Mex Frittata


Keto Sloppy Joes

Creamy Dill Chickpea Salad

Farro Salad


Creamy Spinach Turkey Meatballs

Greek Chicken and Lemon Rice

Creamy Lemon Dill Salmon

Creamy Red Pepper Pasta wth Blistered Tomatoes

Mexican Spice Red Lentils

Hits and Misses

We enjoyed 2 big salad successes that will certainly reappear in future menus. Both were filling and delicious.

Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

Creamy Dill Chickpea Salad


After weeks of travel and enjoying meals out at well researched restaurants, it is time to return to the real world of disciplined eating and loosing the extra pounds that over indulgence has produced. The journey to health and wellbeing continues. Bon Appetit!