2024 Week 23 Menu Plan

The 2024 week 23 menu plan is complete. Although I followed through with most to the meals planned for dinner last week…I definitely fell short on preparing the recipes for breakfasts and lunches. Since I seldom eat breakfast the cottage cheese egg bake, breakfast cookies and berries and yogurt supplied the ‘Ole Buckeye for the entire week. Our lunches were comprised of the lazy lentil soup, kale salad, and a host of leftovers from evening meals. Often these days we have enough left over from an evening meal that it provides lunch on the following day.


Pineapple Baked Oatmeal

Oatmeal Breakfast Bake

Peanut Butter Mocha Smoothie


Creamy Chickpea Salad Sandwich

Thai Crunch Salad

Cowboy Caviar

Taco Crunch Salad

Curried Broccoli Chickpea Salad


Creamy Roasted Vegetable Pasta

Caramelized Tomato Paste Pasta

Sheet Pan Gnocchi with Mushrooms


We are heading into some extremely busy weeks and I am very aware that plans and menus might change. We have graduation parties, graduation, Fathers’ Day and all the various preparations that those entail. Following those celebrations we are off to the islands for 10 days, hopefully with our granddaughters in tow! Let the festivities begin. Bon Appetit!