2022 Week 23 Menu Plan

THE 2022 week 23 menu plan is complete as we continue the journey toward plant based meals. 


For some reason last week we ate alternative breakfast selections rather than those planned. I fasted many mornings and opted for avocado toast on the others. The ‘Ole Buckeye finished the giant berry pancake and the egg puffs as well as his favorite soft boiled eggs. The only planned breakfasts we enjoyed were the Tropical Oatmeal and the Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie. That being said, the breakfasts originally planned for week 22 appear in week 23.

Field Berry Oatmeal


We have several leftovers from dinners last week that we will finish for lunch this week. In place of the planned sesame peanut noodles, I made a Pasta Primavera with Roasted Vegetables because my roasted vegetables needed to be utilized. It will appear again for lunch in week 23 along with the wild rice mushroom stew. The new additions to the menu are untried soups, both of which sound delicious.

Vegan Pasta e Fagiole

Split Pea Soup


I lucked out this week! My plan for cook once/eat again will make it possible to enjoy a full week of preprepared evening meals. Wahoo! It helps that we will have an evening out at Orapax, our favorite Greek restaurant. In addition the ‘Ole Buckeye has dinner with his sail crew and I have a dinner outing with my book club. Our grand daughter plays a state tournament soccer game Tuesday and the field is close to Orapax. I was totally excited to discover a Vegan menu at Orapax!

Hits and Misses

Unfortunately I did not get many images of our meals. I have a new iPhone and for some reason the images will not download on WordPress…yet another issue I need to address. It was a week of hits across the board. We enjoyed a family favorite “meat” meal and managed to create a week’s worth of meatless meals most of which were whole food plant based. 

This smoothie was filling and enjoyable. I had never thought to add oatmeal to a smoothie, but it works.

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Both of the quinoa salads were good and serviced dual lunches.

Strawberry Tabouli Salad

Quinoa Tabbouleh Salad

I have prepared this Mexican Quinoa in the past. I paired it with the Mexican kale salad. The slow cooker allowed us to eat after the regional soccer game without last minute preparations.

Slow Cooker Mexican Quinoa

Mexican Kale Salad

The ‘Ole Buckeye has a real problem calling these “meatballs”! I guess we will need to call them meatless balls. I paired them with whole wheat spaghetti and Rao’s marinara. Enjoyable especially after avoiding pasta for so long.

Vegan Meatballs

This rotini recipe is one of my own and required a slight adjustment in ingredients. I replaced the cream with silken tofu, used Quinoa pasta, but I could not give up the parm. 

Caramelized Onion Florentine Rotini

Our meat meal this week was a favorite of which we never tire. I served it with mashed cauliflower, sautéed zucchini and onions, and a salad. Yum! Pure comfort food.

Mississippi Pot Roast


All things considered, it was a great week of enjoyable meals with a great deal of learning along the way. The more I learn, the more intrigued I am with this lifestyle change. I will admit that I am feeling better and more energized. Cheers to the journey. Bon Appetit.