Independence Day at the Campground

Everywhere we looked there was red, white and blue!

Everywhere we looked there was red, white and blue!

First of all, may I take this time to thank all who have served our country…my Dad, my husband’s Dad, the Old Buckeye, my nephew among so many others who bravely served and to their families for sacrificing so much for our country to receive the blessings we all enjoy.

An oldie but goodie all decked out.

An oldie but goodie all decked out.

And it was a day to enjoy!  The weather was perfect: low 80s, low humidity, sunshine galore.  The beautiful KOA that we call  home until September was decked out in all its Fourth of July finery.  Almost every site had a flag of some size fluttering in the breeze.  Kids rode bikes with red, white and blue glittering streamers flowing from their handlebars.  Happy people strolled the lanes and rode the hayride dressed in holiday colors.


The Fourth of July train ready for boarding.

The Fourth of July train ready for boarding.

Then there were the picnics.  Picnics for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  We had a picnic for two.  Hot dogs, baked beans and my Mom’s macaroni salad.  I had to message my sisters for the recipe since I do not have the family cookbook with me in our camper.  Both responded quickly and the day was saved!  The salad was delicious as always.  I will share it with you next.  Try it you will like it!

Happy Independence Day!  Now, if only I could stay awake late enough for the fireworks….