
Making things, creating, is one of the central joys of my life.  I think that that joy is why I enjoy cooking so much.  I like looking for ideas for recipes, taking a myriad of ingredients, and creating a product that brings satisfaction and (sometimes) admiration.

A similar process is involved in creating my artworks.  I need to come up with an idea for a painting or drawing, collect the materials and the try to put them together into a product that is pleasing (sometimes).

In Ohio, I took classes in using colored pencils to create artwork.  I greatly enjoy the medium.  It is easy to carry around when travelling.  You can start and stop working quickly and easily with a minimum of mess to clean up, just put away your paper and a few pencils.  The downside of colored pencil work is that it takes hours and hours of work to finish a project.  I began a project in August before we moved from Ohio.  I am only nearing completion on that project now.  In fact, I have registered it to be shown at a local art show in May to push myself to “Get It Done”.

I generally do not do portraits but took a class in portraiture last summer.  This is my first since that class.  It is of my husband, The Bearded One.

Into the Growing Darkness

Into the Growing Darkness

Now, in Jersey, I cannot find a colored pencil group in my area.  I will continue to putter with the medium but I find art to be not only a creative outlet but also a social one.

So, I took the plunge and enrolled in a watercolor class this winter.  You can’t get much more opposite in technique than watercolor and colored pencil.  Other than layering colors, there is little commonality.  You do not pause a watercolor painting without carefully thinking about where you are in the process.  If the paint dries, there is no going back.  The class was just six sessions but one of the ladies of the class proposed that a few of us get together to paint once a week at her house.  Perfect!  And so we began meeting for a couple of hours each Tuesday.  It has been good for my social life and has motivated me to paint!

I have produced the first work that I am willing to share.

Still Life 1

Still Life 1

Now, I have joined an Art Association in a nearby town and have signed up for another watercolor class.  Gonna keep the creative swing going!