Pat’s Strange Brew – Not Your Father’s Root Beer

Holy mother of god.

There I was, snooping around the beer in my local big box and stumbled across this innocent looking 5.9% alcohol root beer. Now The Tinker and I have been jonesing for root beer floats, so I thought how much better to make one with alcohol? Yes. A lot. So in the cart went a six pack.

Root beer that tastes like root beer with 5.9% alcohol. What could go wrong?

Root beer that tastes like root beer with 5.9% alcohol. What could go wrong?

Holy mother of god. This stuff is unbelievably good. This is what root beer is supposed to taste like. You remember when you used to go to the old A&W root beer stands and order those big, heavy mugs of root beer? And it was thick and packed with flavor and just made your mouth happy? THIS IS THAT TASTE! AND IT’S BOOZE!

This is not root-beer flavored beer. It’s root beer. It’s been dinged in reviews for that, but pardon me, I’m thinking a root BEER is supposed to taste like a ROOT BEER. This one scores big time. Dark as a cola, no real head or foam to speak of (unlike A&W, bummer), but you simply must try this.

It's not your father's because it's MINE

It’s not your father’s because it’s MINE

Brewed by the Small Town Brewery in La Crosse, Wisconsin, it’s bound to be in your neighborhood (I’m pretty sure they have a bottler/brewer in San Antonio too, hence my good luck). But try this. I promise, if you like root beer with a little kick, this is Your Root Beer (and that’s my root beer float. Get away. Go on. Get. Mine.)