Back From Ennui

A good word “ennui”.  Unless you are experiencing it.  “A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement” says the Oxford English dictionary.  Perhaps not quite the word I am looking for to describe the past few weeks. Throw in uncertainty and worry and you would have it.

We are selling our home of 35 years.  We were lucky enough to have two offers three weeks after listing the home.  The house has now been off the market, under contract for eight weeks.  Theoretically, (there is that worry and uncertainty raising its head again) we close next week and this process will be at an end.

I do not know how house flippers do it?  I, like my sisters, like to feel in control of what is happening in my life.  I have been trying to work on that, to give up control more easily and let life happen.  This home sale must be a life lesson to help me practice.

Anyway, I am moving forward and leaving ennui-land behind!


My new back yard.

We have moved out of our home (everything packed into a POD and put into storage thanks to help from Carol and The Old Buckeye and a weekend of slave labor from Pat.)  We will be living in our camper at an Ohio KOA for the next three months while our new place is built.

It is bliss.  Every morning I get up and bring my coffee cup and the cat who is bawling at the door outside to sit and watch the sunrise through the trees.  Birds twitter (okay, I can hear the semis zooming past and the interstate on the other side of those trees but what of it?).  It is a slice of heaven.


So, think of me here each morning this summer.  Sipping my coffee,  keeping my cat from slipping out of her harness (Houdini had nothing on her!), probably playing Words with Friends on my tablet…winning with the word “ennui”.