2024 Week 32 Menu Plan

The 2024 week 32 menu plan is not really a plan. The ‘Ole Buckeye is out of town until late Friday night, so the bulk of the week I am on my own. In addition Saturday we will be celebrating our anniversary and at some point over the weekend we will be gathering for a family get together before both of our granddaughters head off to college next week. With that being said, I decided to play this week by ear. 

I typically do not eat breakfast, so obviously mornings are quite easy. I have several servings of soups left over from last week which will suffice for lunch. In addition I will be treating the granddaughters separately for lunch out before they leave. My daughter and I plan to eat several evening meals together and I have several leftovers stashed in the freezer….so no specific plans are made.

Hits and Misses

This breakfast bake is one of the best. It is a staple when we are in a timeshare and a staple at home. The only difficulty is having ripe bananas. (The ‘Ole Buckeye seldom leaves them long enough to ripen.) I lucked out this week. 

Maple Pecan Baked Oatmeal

I picked this recipe for several reasons. It included turmeric and I have been trying to include the spice in more of my cooking due to its health benefits. I also had spinach that needed to be utilized, but too lifeless for a salad. The third reason…I am attempting to use the Instant pot more during these hot days.

Instant Pot Golden Lentil and Spinach Soup*

How can a meal be a “fail” when the ‘Ole Buckeye loved it? It was not a recipe for the Instant Pot. I got the burn alert. As it turns out if I had read the comments…so did others. Luckily the chicken was cooked enough after the alert, so the meal was edible, but the burned on sauce in the bottom of the pot made for a difficult clean up. I will admit that the flavors were great. It might be worth a try stove top…or simply finding a better recipe.

Instant Pot Cashew Chicken*

These are some of our very favorite burgers…always a treat to eat.

Greek Turkey Burgers


I had a break from planning, but I have a feeling I won’t eat as healthy as I do with planning. Until next week. Bon Appetit.

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