2023 Week 9 Menu Plan

The 2023 week 9 menu plan is complete. 


Once again I have overplayed the breakfast menu. It continues to be totally dependent on who is eating and how many meals the recipe serves. Planning ahead simply insures that ingredients are on hand.

Roasted Cranberry Maple Farro

Apple Walnut Quinoa

Farmers’ Market Frittata

Blueberry Oat Pancakes


I have both dinner leftovers and lots of soup from week 8, so lunches will consist mainly of clearing the refrigerator. I will make a chickpea salad as a side for soup and salad lunches.

Dr. Praeger’s Veggie Burgers

Chickpea Salad

White Bean Enchilada Soup


It appears that I am in the mood for new mushroom recipes. Hopefully they are successful. 

Vegetarian Mushroom Stew

Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms

Cowboy Grub

Pan Seared Ribeye

Fettuccine with Creamy Red Pepper Feta Sauce

Hits and Misses

He likes it, He likes it…the ‘Ole Buckeye likes it!

Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

What a nice surprise. I seldom make vegetable soups because my mom’s vegetable soup was stellar. That being said…this recipe was delicious and will definitely reappear on the rotation. The Instant Pot hides in the cabinet with little use, but I have vowed to utilize it more often. I made the recipe as directed with zucchini, green beans, and green peppers as my additional vegetables. Delish.

Instant Pot Vegetable Soup

We nearly always order Greek Avgolemono Soup when we are at a Greek restaurant. It is a favorite. This version has much more chicken and is a heartier soup than we normally enjoy. Since I have an inordinate amount of frozen rotisserie chicken tucked away this recipe was appropriate. While it was quite tasty, it certainly was not the traditional soup we normally enjoy. 

Greek Lemon Chicken Soup Avgolemono Soup

This was a quick and easy way tp prepare shrimp…was it a favorite? No. In fact there was enough left over that I incorporated the shrimp a new way…Shrimp and Grits. 

Baked Shrimp

I used the left over shrimp and did not use the bacon in this recipe, so it was altered to some degree, but it was enjoyable. It was fortunate for us to enjoy the shrimp 2 different ways on 2 separate evenings.

Shrimp and Grits


I must admit I did not spend a lot of time in the kitchen this week. Most of the meals were quick to prepare and successful in flavor. The only labor intense recipe was the Greek Lemon Chicken Soup, but it served many meals so it was worth it. The week ahead is varied with the emphasis on vegan/vegetarian meals. The quest for health continues. Bon Appetit!

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