The 2023 week 44 menu plan is complete…at least on the home front. I have planned the meals late in the week to insure that the ‘Ole Buckeye has nutritious offerings while I take 5 days for a sisters’ weekend in Myrtle Beach. It is highly unlikely that he will take the time to prepare everything planned, but at least it is available.

The breakfast plan is simple…his favorites that can be eaten several mornings. As a backup…soft boiled eggs (his specialty).
Spinach, Mushroom, Egg Breakfast Casserole
Soup and salad is always a great way to eat again and mix it up. The lentil soup and quinoa salad are new so hopefully they will be enjoyable. I will be trying them out before I leave and subbing if they are not successful.
Smokey Chickpea, Red Lentil and Vegetable Soup
Luckily I have several entrees tucked away in the freezer…several single servings (which I have often on sail race Wednesdays.) I also have a whole tray of enchiladas in the freezer which I will happily add to the menu. It will be good to have the freezer space as we near the holidays. Since I had an initial success with my air fryer and salmon, I decided to give it another go before leaving.
Hits and Misses
Barley…really??? I had it on hand, so why not? This was actually very good.

I have had better tabbouleh. This one is not worth a repeat.

At some point I should probably post all time favorites and create an easy link to them. Maybe even divide them into categories and simply create a monthly eating plan rotating those meals, throwing in a new enticing recipe on occasion. It would certainly make meal management more enjoyable. That being said this creamy Asiago Chicken would certainly make the list.

I must confess…I purchased an air fryer over 2 months ago. I read the directions. Warning…do not use aerosol oil sprays…pump spray bottles ordered…received and filled. Finally I got up the courage to use this huge black monster taking up counter space. Success!

Another successful air fryer meal. The salmon was slightly dry on the thinner edges but on the whole quite delicious….and healthy!

After several months I successfully used my air fryer! Cheers please. I will admit both the butternut squash and the salmon were delish. I plan to use it much more.The adventure continues…Bon Appetit!