2023 Week 1 Menu Plan

2023 Week 1 menu plan is complete. After several weeks of celebrations, we will attempt to return to a normal healthy eating plan.


Maple Pecan Baked Oatmeal 

Apple Cranberry Steele Cut Oats

BAM Cake

Green Smoothie


I have pulled out the cookbooks. I will be trying 2 new soups, both from the newer THM cookbook Future.

Greek Chicken Soup page 179 Trim Healthy Future

Taco Chicken Chili page 186 Trim Healthy Future

Taco Salad Crunch


The dinners planned will be utilizing recipes from both Future and Plantyou cookbooks.

Award Winning Salmon page 137 Trim Healthy Future

Garden Bolognese page 140 Plantyou

Salmon Avocado Skillet page 136 Trim Healthy Future

Sheet Pan Fajitas page 144 Plantyou

Shephard’s Pie Skillet page 132 Trim Healthy Future


After several weeks of “merry” food and drink, the menu plan once again features healthy meals. I continue to study and educate myself on varies philosophy’s of food and its’ impact on health and wellbeing. I am returning to many of the Trim Healthy Mama recipes, as I have found that their approach encompasses many of the others that I have investigated. The journey continues. Bon Appetit!

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