2020 Week 49 Menu Plan
The 2020 week 49 menu plan is complete. My goal is to keep it simple. The days after Thanksgiving are always quite busy as we prepare for Christmas. Kitchen duty revolves around holiday baking rather that basic meals preparation.

The 2020 week 49 plan for breakfast is a repeat of week 48. Not that we are repeating the same meals, simply that I didn’t prepare anything as planned. I had a giant blueberry pancake and portions of frittata in the freezer. Since I was up to my eyeballs restocking and getting ready for Thanksgiving…we utilized what was already prepared. Sweet!
I am once again relying on soups for lunch. The creamy Southwest chicken is not really a soup, but by shredding the chicken and adding additional broth, it becomes one. My sister made the slow cooker turkey cream cheese soup with Thanksgiving leftovers and raved about how good it was. Since I have lots of leftover turkey, this preparation was an easy decision. The quiche is in the freezer. Sweet! (Again!)
Slow Cooker Turkey Cream Cheese Soup
The dinner plans for the week are fairly simple as well. My daughter is preparing dinner on Tuesday. Since I am trying to make room in the freezer, we will be having the spaghetti squash and the chicken parmesan which are taking up room there. We have not yet decided about the ‘Ole Buckeye’s birthday dinner, but I am certain he will pick something great. Turkey burgers on Friday are a light dinner planned before an evening Christmas party in the neighborhood. Attending that will be a last minute decision depending on the weather. The asiago chicken recipe is yet another favorite and easily prepared chicken dish.
Hits and Misses
What else can I say about this soup except that the ‘Ole Buckeye loves it! I love it because it uses all the dark meat from the rotisserie chickens that I never seem to find a use for. I have plenty of dark chicken in the freezer, so he will be having this frequently.

Let me just say that I haven’t made gravy for years. I had to actually look up a recipe, even though I used to make it as an after thought. My pet peeve with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner…getting it all ready to serve while it is still hot. This gravy was adequate, but not over the top.

My one new recipe for our feast was the keto stuffing. I happen to love stuffing, in fact it is my favorite part of the Thanksgiving dinner. This stuffing was quite good, but I will admit that I actually made my mom’s stuffing as well…I ate both.

Low Carb Spicy Sausage and Cheddar Stuffing
This chicken was a hit with my daughter, a “fine” for the ‘Ole Buckeye and a miss for me. I actually made enough for 3 meals and I will admit that the reheat was better than the original. It will not be repeated.

Food for Thought
Researchers have studied the association between foods and the brain and identified 10 nutrients that can combat depression and boost mood: calcium, chromium, folate, iron, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and zinc.
What a great week of eating! Our Thanksgiving with the family was a full day of fabulous. We are so blessed to be able to be together during these days when most families remain apart. I decided to invite the entire family back for a repeat on Sunday to get rid of all the leftovers. Obviously I cooked way too much because I have Thanksgiving leftovers on this week’s menu plan once again. Lots of easy meals planned this week as I concentrate on decorating. We will celebrate a birthday and begin holiday celebrations. Bon Appetit!