2021 Week 19 Menu Plan
The 2021 week 19 menu plan is complete. It may appear to be a mishmash of several different eating plans, which it is. While continuing with the THM plan, which incorporates a lot of Keto meals, I am also introducing plant based meals on a very gradual basis. I will continue to attempt to include at least one E meal each day. Many of the E meals happen to fall into a plant based category with small adaptations. Several of the “snacks” are also plant based. Most of the planning is based on new information learned over these past weeks as well as continuing to delve into healthy eating choices.

Aside from our normal Sunday morning bacon and eggs, the 2021 week 19 breakfasts are all THM E meals. In addition the oatmeal preparations with very slight modifications also qualify as plant based.
Bananas Foster French Toast Bake
Once again the Quinoa Kale soup reappears because once again we had leftover dinners for lunch last week. Since I have the ingredients on hand, it will have top priority for lunch this week. We are currently watering the herbs and plants for friends and there is an abundance of jalapeƱos, thus the new soup recipe. The chickpea salad is an experiment of plant based eating.
The dinners planned for the week are proven favorites, all of which have been reviewed on previous blog posts. I am making one change by using a pork roast in place of chuck roast when making the Mississippi Pot Roast. There are several reviews that have raved about this method of using a pork roast. I have made Greek Meatloaf for years. In fact it was one of the favorites included by Jan in our family cookbook, which it a treasure.
Greek Meatloaf

Hits and Misses
There were no new recipes last week, so nothing new to report. The Green Chef meals were great…especially the pork with balsamic fig sauce…yum.
Being educated about nutrition and healthy eating continues, although we did enjoy an over the top pizza after the soccer game on Friday. It called for a celebration of a Cox victory, with the 17 year old scoring the only (and winning) goal in the biggest game of the year. We are blessed to be in a stage of life when we can be a part of these special times. Mother’s Day was spent relaxing in the sunshine, enjoying a leisurely boat ride and enjoying gourmet burgers and sides followed by a NothingBundt Cake…Yum! Definitely worth the splurge! I don’t like to admit that many of our best times revolve around the table…but it is true. That makes it much more important that the food on that table is healthy. The journey continues. Bon Appetit.