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Menu Plan Week 116 with Trim Healthy Mama
The menu plan for week 116 is a long time coming. After spending a full week on a road trip to Ohio over Thanksgiving followed by an additional week of non planned eating, I have returned to a more normal existence. (if anything can be called normal when preparing for the holidays.) Last week was an attempt to utilize freezer stores and avoid grocery shopping, while pulling out the stored boxes and adorning our home for our celebration of Christmas.
The week ahead needed extra time and energy to plan since we have additional celebrations. The ‘Ole Buckeye has a birthday, and our son will be participating in his final “Air Born Change of Command” and his retirement from the Navy. The change of command and retirement ceremony will take place on Friday and the celebration on Saturday evening. Much of the menu plan revolves around the celebration schedule. I have also offered to prepare a breakfast for all those remaining on Sunday morning.
The plan for week 116 is fairly basic. The new recipes are few.
Breakfast includes a casserole which is tried and true and may be utilized at the Sunday breakfast as well. The pineapple oatmeal has been planned in the past, but remains untried. I have the ingredients on hand and the recipe is uncomplicated.
Bacon and Eggs Cottage Cheese Casserole THM S
Upside Down Pineapple Oatmeal THM E
Lunches for the week are very basic, although I do need to prepare an appetizer for the Ugly Sweater Party. I found some great large mushrooms on sale so the decision was easy. Stuffed Mushrooms These mushrooms are quick, easy, and delicious.
Dinner plans for week 116 have already changed. I had a conflict on the ‘Ole Buckeye’s birthday, but decided to prepare a meal at home instead. The outside obligation did not seem important…to celebrate with him did. The only new recipe is the French Onion Chicken.
French Onion Skillet Chicken THM S
The week ahead once again is planned around sharing food and creating memories. As new celebrations begin and we gather with so many with whom we have shared important times in the past, the celebrations continue to revolve around a creative menu plan. Whether it is a simple birthday dinner or gathering with those who are important in our son’s life, we will enjoy food and drink.
I have been so blessed since we have relocated and retired. I have my family near and new friends who share so many of the things I hold dear. I am so thankful. Let the celebrations begin.
Bon Appetit’.