Red Rooster
Prep Time
Passive Time
Prep Time
Passive Time
  1. Allow the orange juice to thaw slightly so that it can be mixed with the Cranberry juice and Vodka. Mix the ingredients together and pour into a plastic container. Put the container into the freezer. Let it set until it is the consistency of a slushy. Check periodically and stir to be certain that the entire batch becomes slush.
Recipe Notes

This cocktail is right out of New Orleans.  It is historically served on Fat Tuesday during Mardi Gras.  This recipe is a modification of a creation by Emeril Lagasse.  It is delicious on a warm day, but also a delicious cocktail to be served during the holidays.  The ‘Ole Buckeye and I love this drink when we go on vacation in the Carribean.  We are always looking for simple, speciality drinks that can be easily stocked and made in a timeshare.
