Grandma Lu’s Macaroni Salad
My mom was a great cook…not a chef, but a home cook who made delicious food. Her recipes are prized by our family and are the centerpiece for many a special day’s celebration. This salad was most commonly served with burgers or hot dogs along her baked beans and cole slaw.
Servings Prep Time
12 20minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5 minutes 1hour
Servings Prep Time
12 20minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
5 minutes 1hour
Recipe Notes
  1. Cook pasta al dente.  (This is important!  Do not overcook or you will have mush instead of salad!)
  2. Chop onion and celery.  IMG_2119
  3. Slice olives.
  4. Add drained and rinsed pasta, onion, celery and olives to large bowl.



Okay, you are right. The recipe calls for yellow mustard but I am travelling in a camper with limited frig space! Spicy brown mustard works fine.

5. In a separate bowl, whisk mayonnaise, mustard, salt, pepper, sugar and thinner (olive brine or a bit of milk) to make the sauce.

IMG_21236.  Add sauce to pasta mixture.  Stir together and refrigerate for at least an hour (a day is even better).  Serve cold.

A childhood memory that holds its own...macaroni salad!